The Breaking Ground Green Roof and Urban Agriculture

Sweet peppers grow on Breaking Ground Contracting's urban roof garden

Our roof looks so amazingly different than it did this summer. Gone are the vibrant colors of the native wildflowers and lush growth of the tomatoes and other vegetables. But, the transition gives way to a different kind of beauty, one that will tolerate colder temperatures, yet still bear food.

This month’s video on the Breaking Ground green roof focuses on how our rooftop garden is part of the larger urban agriculture movement in Jacksonville, FL. There are so many community members involved in this movement, from those connected to community garden projects such as the Friends of NE Florida Community Gardens and Sustainable Springfield, to folks such as Hens In Jax who are working to get an ordinance passed to allow hens and goats on private property (with specific limitations). No matter what the specific issue, the urban agriculture movement has gained quite a bit of momentum here, and the Breaking Ground green roof is a part of it.

Demonstrating to our community members that rooftops can contribute a great deal of typically wasted space for growing and sowing food is part of our mission, and Breaking Ground Contracting continues to work alongside our green roof designer, Kevin Songer of MetroVerde, to keep our rooftop garden thriving. In our October video, you can hear and see more about how our roof is contributing to urban agriculture in Jacksonville, and get a peek into what we are growing right now!

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