Archive for the ‘Catherine’s Contributions’ Category

Strawberry Plants on the Breaking Ground Green Roof

Strawberries on the roof??? Wow, that takes me back to when I was a child growing up in Tampa, FL, and my family used to pile in the station wagon for a short trip over to the fields of Plant […]

Video: Stonewall Jackson Elementary Students Plant for Winter on the Breaking Ground Green Roof

January proved to be a perfect month for harvesting and planting on the Breaking Ground green roof. Our temperatures have been mild and the weather has been gorgeous! We would certainly love a little more rain, but we’ve been happy […]

Stonewall Jackson Elementary Students Visit the Breaking Ground Green Roof

Planting broccoli, chard and lettuce on the Breaking Ground green roof Having students visit our roof here at Breaking Ground Contracting is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences for us. Long before the roof was even designed, we […]

Breaking Ground Composting Project

Did you know that COMPOSTINGcan divert as much as 30% of household waste from the landfill? My first recollection of composting was back in the 1970′s when my mother put a large bowl in our kitchen an explained to us […]

A New Season: Seeds of Change on the Breaking Ground Green Roof

Look at all of those seeds in the seed head of this Zinnia flower! See them? A season of change is taking place, from a hot, humid summer climate to cooler, drier fall fall temperatures, and the seeds from the […]

Breaking Ground Green Roof and Social Media

We love the Breaking Ground Green Roof blog, and don’t forget… we have two other ways to see what’s happening on our roof. “Like” us on Facebook at our Breaking Ground Green Roof page and view all of our monthly […]

Next Generation Harvests Seeds from the Breaking Ground Green Roof!

Each little orange spike on the top of the cone flower is a seed! CLICK ON THIS PHOTO for a closer look! As part of our continued efforts to educate the young people of this planet about their connections to […]

Golden Orb (Banana Spider) Graces Breaking Ground Green Roof

Golden Silk Orb Weaver (Nephila clavipes) spider on BGGR The Breaking Ground green roof has so much life and activity, it’s hard to document it all! Our newest find is this beautiful Golden Silk Orb Weaver, Nephila clavipes, sometimes called a […]

Black Swallowtail Visits Breaking Ground Green Roof

(Beautiful Black Swallowtail pollenating the Breaking Ground green roof) The black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenesis, has joined the list of amazing critters that have come to pollinate the flowers, vegetables and fruits on the green roof at Breaking Ground Contracting […]

Kids Planting and Harvesting on the Breaking Ground Green Roof!

Kids’ planting day on the Breaking Ground green roof! This past July, we invited a group of local children to be our “planting partners” on the Breaking Ground Contracting green roof in Jacksonville, FL. They came from as close as […]