Beautiful Monarch Finds the Breaking Ground Green Roof!

Beautiful Monarch butterfly on the Breaking Ground green roof

This morning, as I was enjoying  a quiet moment on our amazing green roof here in Jacksonville, FL, I was privileged to spy the beautiful Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) shown in the attached pictures. We had just had a long night of steady rain and the clouds were giving a welcome respite from the unbearable heat we’ve been experiencing in July. Although this gorgeous creature was floating around from flower to flower around the

Breaking Ground green roof, it  just kept returning to this same, gorgeous Purple Cone Flower. I suppose the butterfly just felt this was the most perfect flower on the roof.  The butterfly seemed to stop for a minute to allow me to take a few photographs. Later that morning, with 9 local children on our roof helping to plant more native flowers, and with cameras rolling for

our featured monthly video, this Monarch was once again spotted on the roof….and guess where it was seen! Yep. On the same purple cone flower. Enjoy!

Click here to see how you can help to protect Monarch butterflies.

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